As per the IQAC guidelines of NAAC, on the advice of the Managing Committee, L.V.D.College, Raichur, Principal has reconstituted the advisory committee of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) for a period of two years from this date. The Committee Comprises of the following:  
1 Sri.Pavan Sukhani Chairman, Managing Committee   Chief Patron  
2 Sri Sriram Boob, Secretary, Managing Committee   Patron  
3 Dr.Venkatesh B.Devara Principal   Chairman  
4 Dr.M.Veereshappa, Vice Principal   Member  
5 Sri.K.Pururshottamachar Head, Dept of Maths   Member  
6 Dr.Sheelakumari Das Head, Dept of Kannada   Member  
7 Sri.S.Amaregouda Head, Dept of Political Science   Member  
8 Dr.T.Srinivas Registrar, Navodaya Medical College, Raichur   Member Educational Expert Nominee  
9 Sri. Savitri Nagaraj Alumni Member   Member Local Society prominent Nominee  
10 Sri Rajashekhar Reddy KSRTC Employee, Raichur   Member Alumni Nominee  
11 Dr.Promod Kumar Managing Director, Raichem, Raichur   Member Industrial Expert Nominee  
12 Dr.Jayateertha N.S. Asst Prof Department of Chemistry   Co-Ordinator