Department Teaching Staff

Dr. Narayanachar
P.G Co-ordinator, Associate Professor, M.Sc., Ph.D
Date of Joining: 01/06/1989
Mobile: +91 9480794412

Shankara gouda .M
Associate Professor, M.Sc. .M.Phil
Date of Joining:05/08/1991
Mobile: +91 9886916964

Dr. Anjaneya Oblesha
Vice-Principal , Assistant Professor, MSc, Ph.D
Date of joining :11/05/2015
Mobile: +91 9986312023

Lecturer, MSc
Date Of Joining: 04/02/2021
Mobile: +91 8197770398
- About Department
- Course
- Syllabus
- Previous Question Papers
- Mentor List
- Department Activities
Department of chemistry is the oldest department of the college which was started in 1956. Prof. N.Balajirao was the first staff member of the department, later he became the principal of the college till his retirement. The department grew in all aspects under his supervision. Later Smt P.V. Bharathi Sarma , Sri G.K. Padasalagi and Sri V.R. Kulkarni joined the Department and contributed a lot to the over all development of the department
The student strength of the Department is increasing enormously year after year and the present strength is 250. The Department offers chemistry as one of the subjects in the combination of Material Science such as Mathematics, Physics, Electronics and Computer Science and Life Science such as Botany, Zoology, Microbiology and Biotechnology. The syllabus of chemistry is in accordance with the guidelines of the Gulbarga University as well as Raichur university. It comprises of In-organic, Organic, Physical, Analytical, Pharmaceutical and Biochemistry. The University follows semester system. Conducting of examinations and evaluation is done according to the guidelines of the Universities. The Department is having well qualified teachers. Three staff members have Ph,D. and one staff members have with M.Phil. Teachers take keen interest in engaging classes. They use all sorts of ICT tools helpful for teaching. To enhance the subject knowledge of the students, to make them to refer different books and to develop confidence and expression skills in them, seminars are conducted. Efforts are done to bring to the knowledge of the students the importance of chemistry in all fields of life in general and employment opportunities in particular. Regular tests are held in both the semesters as per the University guidelines. After every test, strict valuation of the answer scripts is done, the scripts are returned to the students for reference, which helps them to improve. This enables the students to face the final examination with utmost confidence. Test conducting activity of the college has reflected on the performance of the students in the university results. Most of the students are getting distinctions and ranks. The department has five laboratories, out of which four are for the use of the students and one is used as research lab where minor project works are undertaken. Our august Management has plans to commence the PG programme from the following Academic year. Department has two separate store rooms, one for chemicals and the other for the glass wares. For the heating purpose, LPG is used from 1992. Thus the department has sufficient infrastructure and well equipped with all the required instruments to conduct the practicals. Students of first semester are personally guided in handling the glass wares and corrosive chemicals, since most of them come from rural junior colleges. They are also trained in basics of chemistry. This helps them in developing good skills. Lab manuals and study materials are also provided for the use of students. This helps our students to have better performance in their undergraduate as well as postgraduate studies. Regular meetings are held in the department to discuss academic issues and to take the collective opinion of the entire faculty for the better functioning and progress of the department. The College library as well as Department library is maintained for the use of students and staff. Study tours/Picnics are organized to give better exposure of subject and practical knowledge to the students. All the staff members are actively involved in the university activities such as BOS and BOE members of the universities Staff members of the Department also actively participate in extra curricular activities of the college. They are members of various committees of the college and help in administration. They have donated munificently to the Scholarship fund. Dr.Jayateertha N.S, Sri. Shankar Gouda and Dr. Anjaneya Oblesha have worked as NSS officers and Dr. Jayateertha N.S is in charge of career Guidance cell as well as IQAC NAAC Co-ordinater and Dr. Anjaneya Oblesha is working as Vice Principal Since 21 st January 2022. All the staff members are actively involved in the Orientation Programme for First year students, Communication skill programme for Second year students and Career Guidance Programme for Final year students. UGC has Sponsored a National Level Seminar on Green Chemistry Conducted in the year 2018.
Course Offered
Title | Link |
Course Offered | View Link |
Title | Link |
Chemistry Syllabus | View Link |
Question Papers
Title | Link |
NEP B.Sc 1st Sem OE QP | View Link |
NEP B.Sc 1st Sem QP | View Link |
NEP B.Sc 2nd Sem OE QP | View Link |
NEP B.Sc 2nd Sem QP | View Link |
NEP B.Sc 3rd Sem QP | View Link |
NEP B.Sc 4th Sem OE QP | View Link |
NEP B.Sc 4th Sem QP | View Link |
Mentors List
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Mentors List | View Link |
Department Activities
Title | Link |
Trip to Hatti Gold Mines | View Link |